
Dairy 2

The Final-exam is coming in the next few days, but I still hadn't started read it yet. (even I had to take an exam only 1 sub in Final-exam.) Lazy -_-' Umm...must start study rite now ^^ Fight Fight!!! Today I had learned English about 3.30 p.m. I went to ABAC about 11.00 a.m. I learned Juristic acts and contract with my friend because my friend wanted to me sat with her. After that we ate lunch. We went to learn English. I sat and I read a book and my friend learned English. then I waited for learned. After that my friend called me about she did horoscope. I'll persuade her go to did horoscope. I liked horoscope and I crazy horoscope. ~~ I'm crazy. Then I went to learned English. After that I came back to home. I feed rabbits. I took a bath. After that I read books and I have had dinner with my family and I went to bed.

So sleepy!! I was woke up late. I'll have Family Law. I took a shower and I leaved to home. I walked pass to national stadium. It was very hot and I weared high-heeled shoes. I walked to C building. I very tried. After that I learned finish. I went to S building. I want to class English. Today A.Jasper teached about The firm. Finally I came back to home. I took a bath. I hurry up to read about Bill because my teacher teached finish. I worried about Bill because it was difficult. I thinked I'll pass to Bill. *-* because I gave up to power from someone. I'm crazy!!!

I woke up very early because I had learn about 9.00 a.m. I waited to learned about 15 minutes. A.Deacha teached Bill. In this class I very cold. I moved to seat. I learned with my friend. But she didn't come to class. I felt lonely. After that I went to learned Psychology. I learn finish. I came back to home. I took a bath. I read for 6 hours. I read about 03.00 a.m. I very sleepy. I went to bed.


I woke up late. I didn't go to ABAC. I absented Tax. I didn't absented. but I woke up late. So bored! After that I took a bath and I went to ABAC. I met A.Kamolnut. She tutored Bill with me. I talked with her about 3-4 hours. She Then I went to learned English. After that I waited my friend. I read cartoon book at M building. I changed Surname. I associated with officer. I changed surname from Pimkum to Jantawongso. I used surname's mom. I recieved ID. card about 2 weeks. Finally I came back to home. I took a bath. I feed rabbits. I went to bought dishes eaten with rice with my nursemaid. I ate dinner. I read books. I talked with my family. I played with rabbits. I went to bed.

So sleepy! It was only 9.00 a.m. It was too early for friday morning. Actually, I set up alarm clock at 10.00 a.m. I very sleepy. but I took a bath. I went to ABAC. I had learned Psychology 11.00 a.m. but I want to class late for 5 mintues. After that I learned finish. I talked with my friend. I ate rice. I met A.Kamolnut. I talked with her for 2 hours. My friend called me. I met my friend. We went to learned Law of succession. After that we learned finish. We went to The mall. We shopped and we bought something. Finally my friend drove a car me at home. My friend came back to home. I took a bath and read books. I went to bed


I woke up 10 a.m. I took a bath. I went to ABAC. I had learned Criminal Law2. I went to class late. I sat front of in class. I sat to alone. I learned finish. I walked Q8 because I taked with sheets. After that I learned Principle of Law. Then I went to SCB park. My friend came to receive at my home because we went to check of face at 15 floors. My friend is name P'rung P'boa P'him P'aop P'aun. I very enjoyed. P'him introduced about perfume with me. I interested about anything. I liked about perfume. After we ate rice at 2 floors. After we bought power,soft, cosmetics and etc. Finally P'boa and P'rung and P'aun drove a car to came to receive at my home. We went to my home. I leaded their're walked around my home. After we came to home. I took a bath. I checked mail and I played internet. I read books. I went to bed.

Shopped!! Mother's Day.. *o* My family went to Central. We bought dress and shirt. My mom bought evening dress. I choosed evening dress for my mom. After that we went to Kawotompee at Ladpow about 10 p.m. and we came back to home. I took a bath and I read books. I went to bed about 2.00 a.m. Mother's day I promise my mom was good health. I'll diligent and I'll good girl. Finally I love mom more than in the world. Love mom ~~
